Product Warranty Registration                                                                                                                                                           

請細閱下列保養條款                                                                                                                                                                   Please read the term of warranty as belows

用戶名稱  / User name



聯絡電話  / Contact number



用戶地址  / Address 



電郵 / E-mail



產品型號  / Product number



機身編號Part No



購買日期  / Purchase Date




購買店名稱 / Shop  name







以下情況, 恕本公司概不提供免費保養:

1) 由於使用不當產生的故障及損傷。

2) 一切人為損壞, 火災, 地震, 水災, 天災地變, 公害, 運輸, 化學物質的侵蝕接入


3) 在惡劣的條件 (油煙, , , , 直射陽光等) 下使用所產生的故障。

4) 由器材損壞而直接或間接招致之財物或人物等之任何損失, 本公司概不負責。

5) 在本公司指定的維修部以外所進行不適當修理及改裝

6) 任何其它附件及輔助裝置。  

7) 沒有出示產品購貨單據。

8) 單據記錄內容不全或有不當的改寫和刪除。   

9) 此保養注冊只適用於香港及澳門。                  

10) 本公司有權更改任何保養條款, 另行通告。                                                                                                                                                                                     




Warranty is not applicable under the following circumstances:

1)      Misuse, negligence or abuse of the product.    

2)      Defects caused by accident, fire, earthquake, deluge, calamity, in transit, decay by chemical deterioration and improper voltage source.         

3)      Defects caused by unfavorable environment due to grease, heat, dust, humid,direct sunlight etc.   

4)      The company is not liable to lost and damages whatsoever directly or indirectly caused by the breakdown and/or malfunction of the product.  

5)      Repair, modification, and / or alteration done by unauthorized personnel and

6)      Defects caused by the connection of accessories or additional installation to the product

7)      Absence of purchase invoice.

8)      Incompletion, alteration and/or deletion of the contents of purchase invoice.

9)      This warranty registration is valid only in Hong Kong and  Macau . 

10)    We reserve the right to change the terms of this warranty registration without

          prior notice


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       Yes             No          








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